October 23, 2024
35 Guests and Online

MK (GroundZero)

Munky Gang
Hopsin - "Hop Madness"

Juggalos and juggalettes, my next Underground Spotlight needs no further introduction outside of his crazy facial expressions and videos that are guaranteed to make your side hurt in laughter, or you butt hutt if you’re the type to be offended by, well, whatever you so allow yourself to be offended by. Alright, maybe an intro is needed for those who haven’t had the chance to check this next UGS.

Originally from Fort Worth, Texas, MK has been hitting the YouTube scene since 2010. MK has an installment of social commentaries in which he calls MK Loves [Insert Video Subject Here], which are utterly hysterical. MK delivers whit, sarcasm, comical relief, and a sense of realness to give you that good ol’ fashion whip kick to the face of reality.

Now, if you’re a Hopsin fan, and you’ve been under a rock (don’t worry, I usually spend my time there.  Come check me in Stonyrock Trailers under rock number 420A); MK did a video about Hopsin, then soon after the shit hit the fan with fans being trolled by both sides, Hopsin flew MK out to Cali to be in his video Hop Madness. Also while he has there, he filmed with Hopsin on one of his videos. Then on the side, MK school Hopsin up in some Black Ops, which was so graciously put on YouTube.

MK has shown love for the likes of Tech N9ne, Hopsin, Tyler the Creator, juggalos, Lil Wayne, Bill O’Reilly, Lil B, ladies, MK, MK’s fans, Facebook, Barrack Obama, and so many more. Be sure to hit up his channel after reading this. I know it cuts into your masturbation time, but this is funny shit, so check it out.

Well juggalos, I got a whip and I’m getting more hours at my job. I’ll be updating this shit as much as possible. I have several people lined of for UGS’s, so you can expect to get hit with all sorts of flavor as usual. Be sure to share this shit on Facebook, Twitter… YouTube?, etc. Feel free to comment, but once again, keep the butthurt shit talk to a minimum. Enjoy…

[On a side note juggalos, seeing as though I haven’t posted since the sad say, rest in peace, much respect, and mad props to one of hip hop’s innovators MCA of The Beastie Boys. RIP August 5, 1964 – May 4, 2012. Click here to listen to my favorite Beastie Boys track.]

Interview: MK
From: Ft. Worth, Texas
Rolls With:
GroundZeroOnline, Munky Gang


MK. Click here like MK on Facebook.

BeZerk: Why did you choose the name MK and why did you decide to go with GroundZeroOnline?

MK:Growing up I was always a very animated and energetic kid. Constantly telling jokes and couldn’t stand still to save my life. I got compared to a monkey a lot. The name just stuck. King came from my appreciation of Asian culture. There is a Chinese fable called Journey To The West that I always enjoyed that tells the story of the Monkey King. So I am, myself, Munky King. As for the name of my Youtube channel. The term “ground zero” is defined as the point on the surface of the earth or water directly below, above, or at which a nuclear explosion occurs. I want my comedic influence to have THAT kind of effect. I want my shows to be a ground zero for laughs. I want to make an impact.


 Who do you consider as an inspiration?

MK:I’m inspired by a lot of people but in the comedic sense I’m inspired by Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, and Dave Chappelle. Three generations of comedians that pushed the limits further than anyone else. If I’m even half as successful as them I’ll feel I accomplished something.


Do you have a Faygo flavor you enjoy, or what’s your take on Faygo?

MK:I’ve actually only had the soda a handful of times in my life. They don’t really sell it in most major retailer stores, but I do remember they have a distinctly different grape flavored pop. So kudos Faygo.


How long have you been doing YouTube videos for?

MK:I started the channel July 28th, 2010 but I didn’t really get serious about making videos until months later with the start of my MK Loves series on December 29, 2010. I made a video every couple months. Then once a month. Then once every couple weeks. And now with the introduction of GZTV, a series of voice over video parodies, and different sketch videos I release a couple of videos a week.


You made a video about Hopsin like last year, then in the newest Hopsin video you were featured at the end. How did that come about?

MK:Through cosmic improbability Hopsin was introduced to my videos through a mutual friend and he thought I was hilarious. So much so that he felt confident enough in me to back me. So he actually asked me to do a video about him that he would promote through “beefing” with me. The idea was that when people saw me in his Hop Madness video they would be like “Aw man WTF?! They trolled me!” Lol. And it worked. I owe half my fan base to him.


After being in Hopsin’s video, he had a guest role in one of your videos. If you could have anybody else guest star in one of your videos, who would it be?

MK:Probably someone just completely ridiculous like Betty White or Justin Bieber. Lol. But seriously I think it would be dope to have another comedian with me in a video. Like Donald Glover or Kevin Hart. Those dudes are really funny and they’re really buzzin right now.


You make a lot of videos on hip hop artists that you… love… and everything, but who are some of your favorite artists of all time? (can be anyone, not just other hip hop artists)

MK:I’ve always been a big fan of Chamillionaire. I’m a Texan so hey. I also am a huge fan of Kanye West. More so of his earlier work but he’s still good. Tech N9ne is a big one for me. Ludacris, T.I., T Pain is a fun dude. But I also like System of a Down, Avenged Sevenfold, Aerosmith. And then I can turn right around and listen to Al Green all day. I’m one of those broad spectrum guys.


What are some videos you’ve thought about doing, but never did or have been scrapped?

MK:I don’t always scrap ideas but when I do. It’s because they’re really shitty. Lol.


You had a video about Barrack Obama. Do you think he’ll be re-elected this year?

MK:Yeah. Mitt Romney is a douche. And I’m not even a die hard fan of Obama. Mitt is just genuinely a douche.


You did a video on juggalos, now you are doing an interview with the number one juggalo news source on the internet. Is there somethings you’d like to say, missed, or would like to add about that video?

MK: Oh absolutely. This new generation of Juggalos has got to chill the hell out. You guys are way too easy to troll. I’m called a fag and an idiot and a douche all day every day. Comes with the territory of being an edgy comedian. I shrug it off like it’s nothing. But you new Juggalos get insulted and you lose it. I actually respect the Juggalo community and how close you all are. I have Juggalos in my own family. I have nothing against you. But you new Juggalos really have to take a page from the book of the old school.

[BeZerk: I agree with MK]


What else do you have coming up? Any more guest stars, cameos, merchandise, etc coming up?

MK:Oh yeah. There is an insane number of things I have going on now and more stuff is added almost every day. I am so serious when I say you should pay attention to me because there may come a time fairly soon where you see me standing next to some of your favorite entertainers. You won’t know unless you watch.


When can the juggalos expect another laugh riot of a video?

MK:  Subscribe to my Youtube channel and you’ll see something new every week.

MK Dat Ass

:datass: Click here to subscribe!!!

Shout outs:

MK: I want to shout out my Munky Gang. Stoney, Toon, and Memphiz. And my first lady Jenga. And all the extended members of Munky Gang that watch my videos. Yall are all Munkys with me.



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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. VoiceNameless


    Comment posted on Monday, May 14th, 2012 08:28 pm GMT -5 at 8:28 pm

    MK is fuckin hilarious, hands down! Love all this dude’s material.

  2. BeZerk


    Comment posted on Tuesday, May 15th, 2012 06:01 pm GMT -5 at 6:01 pm

    I thought so too. I am glad you agreed.

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