July 25, 2024
12 Guests and 1 Member Online

False Face

What up ya’ll? I’d like to welcome you to another exciting episode of “Pope’s Underground Spotlight!!!.” Where we take some time out of our busy schedules to dig deep into the underground and uncover an up and comming artist! I’ma drop an interview, some pics, and a free mp3 download for each featured artists. Lets look at this as a way for the Juggalos to broaden their horizons and check out some new shit, and for some fresh ass new artists to spread the word about what they got goin on. For this edition we’re digging really deep into the underground to kick it with a brand new and on-the-rise artist known as Falseface! His small-town, backwoods upbringing has brought forth a very rebelious attitude towards the corporate lifestyle and all of the things it stands for. Falseface is an incredible writer and is definetely a name your going to want to remember. So hit up the freshness below where you’ll find a full on interview, some links, a pic, and a free mp3. Also, give the pic below a click to visit his official myspace for more info and tracks. So read on and get schooled by Falseface!

Faygoluvers: so first off, tell us about Falseface. i.e. where yer from, how long you been in the game, anything else we should know, etc.

False Face: Well, I was born and raised in Ludlow, Pennsylvania, which has a population of slightly under 500 people. It also has 2 churches, a post office, a bar, and 1 or 2 pop machines. Yeah, I say “pop”. Anyway, as you can probably tell from the description, there was never much to do. In a town that small, it’s not uncommon to only have a few friends, and when they’re not around, you’re alone, which was normally the case. So, most of my time was spent in my room reading magazines, jacking off, checking out FaygoLuvers.net, and listening to 80s rock, Oldies, 90s rock, and some Hip-Hop. Long story short, depression, anger, and hate mixed with my above-average writing skills and a love for music at about the age of fifteen, and Falseface was born. In the spring of 2005, when the Underground Psychos contest was announced, I finally got the push that I needed, and I recorded my first three songs, which would go on to sell a few hundred copies as “Demo #2”. It was, I’ll say, less than amazing. Soon after, I re-recorded all three original songs, began doing collabs, talked with record labels, gained fans, and continued recording more songs for my upcoming debut album, the most recent song being “Seven Levels”. That brings us to present day.

Faygoluvers: What kind of projects have you worked on in the past?

False Face: I’ve spent the past couple years working on my upcoming debut album entitled “Evilution…The Progression of Depression”. Besides that, I’ve tried to put bands together, but it never works out, which is why I’m solo. Also, I’ve done some collabs with other people, but nothing worth mentioning.

Faygoluvers: Whats currently in your cd player?

False Face: Right now, I have Disturbed- “The Sickness” in there.

Faygoluvers: Who have you worked with in the past and who do you wanna work with in the future?

False Face: As I said earlier, I’ve never really done any collabs worth mentioning; I’ve always gotten stuck throwing free verses down for people who come to me with crappy lyrics and even crappier beats. But, if I could pick who I would work with, I’d say ICP, Twiztid, Blaze, ABK, Boondox, Vanilla Ice, KMK, Playaz Lounge, Potluck, etc. I could go on forever.

Faygoluvers: Every artists has good stories from the road, tell us one.

False Face: Well, Pope, there’s a first time for everything. I honestly don’t have anything interesting to report. I’ve played out, but, you see, where I’m from, there’s really nowhere to play, except hillbilly bars, which, as you may or may not realize, are packed with drunk, toothless, racist retards who don’t like or understand the music I make. This is a hard area for a musician to be in; I’m surrounded by absolutely nothing. Sorry to disappoint you.

Faygoluvers: What lable are you signed with, if any, and tell us about them.

False Face: Currently, I am unsigned. Again, living in the area that I do, it’s pretty hard to gain exposure. I live in the middle of the woods. I’ve hit 3 deer. People hang NASCAR flags on their front porches. See what I’m saying?

Faygoluvers: Whats yer drink of choice?

False Face: I’m a sucker for Strawberry Milkshakes.

Faygoluvers: Whats yer favorite city/venue to play in?

False Face: I don’t have a favorite, but I’d really like to play in Philly. I have a lot of fans in that area, and I think my fans and I would really connect if I had the chance to play down there.

Faygoluvers: Other than music, what else do you do?

False Face: I’ve never really thought of that before. I guess I don’t do anything. Honestly, I’m a loser.

Faygoluvers: What’s your goal in this game? As in, why do you rap?

False Face: For me, it’s not about the money, the fame, or the bitches. All I want is to have some fans that really understand what I’m saying. I want a self-conscious, fat, 12 year-old kid to be listening to my music saying, “Damn, it’s like he’s talking to me”, just like I used to. I have a good message to spread, and that’s all I want to do. I want to touch people’s lives and make them think.

Faygoluvers: What makes Falseface different from the billion other artists out there?

False Face: Pretty much the same answer as the last question. I’m not out to get rich; I’m out to teach a lesson. I’m good to my fans, and I write about real things, not like so many others talking about bling-bling, hoes, 40s, spinners, gats, corn-rows, gold fronts, etc. I remain real while so many others change themselves to fit a mold.

Faygoluvers: Where can people learn more about you and check out your music?

False Face: The best place is www.myspace.com/falsefaceunderworld. I keep it updated pretty well, and fans can talk to me there.

Faygoluvers: Rant time, you get 20 sentences to say whatever the hell you want. GO!

False Face: I’m so sick of all the fagots in this country.
Do you listen to the pop station on the radio?
Do you wear pre-ripped, faded pants?
Did they cost more than the ones that weren’t ripped or faded?
Do you own a Rugby shirt from Old Navy?
Did you buy a hat that was already ripped?
Did it cost more than the ones that weren’t ripped?
Do you shop at American Eagle or the GAP?
Does your car have spinners on it?
Do you think you’re cool because you drink, smoke, or do drugs?
Do you think Kurt Cobain or Eddy Vedder are God?
Do you watch the OC or One Tree Hill?
Do you listen to Motley Crue because it’s “vintage”?
Do you treat people like shit because you play(ed) sports in high school?
Do you think you’re better than anyone because you have more money?
Do you listen to the Dave Matthews Band?
Do you spend hours on MySpace every night?
Do you think you’re cool because you own an iPOD?
Are you proud that you’re a slut?
If so, I hope you kill yourself.

Faygoluvers: What do you think of the current state of the “industry?”

False Face: It’s for fagots by fagots. Music used to mean something, but now, it’s all about the money. It’s marketed to 13 year-old girls and people that answered “Yes” to any of my questions above. Fuck the industry and everybody in it. Fuck Dave Matthews; fuck the Black Eyed Peas; fuck Justin Timberlake and fuck 50 Cent. And, if you’re a fagot and I forgot you, fuck you too!

Faygoluvers: Favorite movie?

False Face: Probably “Rockstar”. If you’ve never seen it, I highly recommend it.

Faygoluvers: Briefly tell us about your “juggalo” experience.

False Face: I remember it well. It was like summer, 1997. My older brother came home with The Carnival of Carnage on tape, and I instantly felt the power of the Carnival in me. Within a week or so, I bought one of every ICP album on the shelf. Soon after, Twiztid came along, then Blaze, and somewhere along the way, I became a Juggalo.

Faygoluvers: what music did you grow up on?

False Face: Well, my Mom and Step-Dad listened to a lot of Country, so I had a little bit of that in my life. Also, my Dad listened to Oldies, which I still love. Other than that, I have had a very broad horizon. I listen(ed) to Aerosmith, Metallica, AC/DC, Jackyl, Motley Crue, Poison, Soundgarden, Offspring, Marcy Playground, Bloodhound Gang, Korn, ICP, Twiztid, The Strokes, Tenacious D, Stone Temple Pilots, Blaze, Psychopathic Rydas, Dark Lotus, ABK, Tesla, Dream Theater, Boondox, Potluck, KMK, Subnoize Souljas, etc.

Faygoluvers: best free porn site?

False Face: www.thehun.net

Faygoluvers: Compare yourself to one established artist.

False Face: Ok, I’d like to compare myself to Axl Rose. He, unlike me, is a complete cocksucker. He treats his fans like shit, walks off stage for no reason, beats women, and doesn’t seem to realize that the only reason he’s rich is because of the fans he treats so badly. I, on the other hand, appreciate every single fan I have. I’d talk to any one of them if I saw them on the street. You want a picture with me? You want my autograph? No problem whatsoever. I hate people like him. I, unlike him, will never forget where I came from. I’ll never forget my friends, family, or my fans. And, I’ll never lose sight of what’s important- making music for those who really understand it.

Faygoluvers: you tryin to play at GOTJ this year?

False Face: I’d certainly like to. Anyone who wants me to play there can e-mail me at [email protected] with information on how to get booked.

Faygoluvers: Last but not least, whats next?

False Face: Before I answer this last question, I’d like to say thanks to Pope for featuring me on the Underground Spotlight, and to everyone who read the interview to this point. Now, for my final answer: First and foremost, I plan on releasing my debut LP, “Evilution…The Progression of Depression”, soon. Other than that, I’ll keep trying to play shows, gain fans, get signed, do collabs, and keep writing and recording. The future is always an uncertainty, but I’d be willing to bet that something big is going to happen. For those of you reading this, prepare yourselves; this won’t be the last time you hear my name.

Faygoluvers: Thanks to Falseface for droppin in and hookin us up with some info. Make sure ya’ll stop by and check out his Official Myspace for more tracks, pics, album info, and upcomming releases. And make sure to stay tuned to Faygoluvers.net for any and all info on Falseface! anyways, check back next week for more freshness!





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