July 27, 2024
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Wolfpac – 2003

Faygoluvers: First thing is I would like to thank you for doing this interview with us during your One day break from the Green Book Tour

Daddy Long Legs: Any time, we have been very busy, the pace on tour is fast and hard, much like me in a porn store, but hey I digress. No problem!

Faygoluvers: Speaking of the Green Book Tour how are things going with that?

Daddy Long Legs: Freaking awesome! Twiztid kicks a ton of ass and so does all the bands on this tour! So many tours out there tend to be, well sliced together. Like one booking agent owes this other label a favor so you get like one cool band then something from VH-1 and then some band you never hear of, and you wont ever cause they SUCK! This tour truly is a show you don’t want to miss. From start to finish! Much props to Twiztid for putting this flavor together!

Faygoluvers: What do you think about the Other Acts on the tour Society 1, The R.O.C, newly added ABK and Twiztid?

Daddy Long Legs: Well First off, Society 1 is some dope metal flavor, they got a lot of heart too, fronted by Matt Zane, a porn icon, the flavor is dark and heavy, good to get the pit warmed up. Now the R.O.C., well one has to witness this for yourself, its one of the guys who was in the H.O.K. and he can really flow! No hype man or nothing, oh and the song Kaysos, fucking thick as hell. Moving right long to our native homie A.B.K., NO one can bring it like A.B.K., this wolf is rootless and his skills are sharp enough to scalp every last one of ya! Finally to Twiztid, now I have seen Twiztid many times before but nothing, nothing at all in the past I have seen is like this time around. For real it’s like they not only raised the bar on their performances, but they stabbed it in the face. They took what they did and made it that more intense and live, just want cause it blows the doors off any other time you have witnessed Twiztid live. Trust me, these guys are the top of there game and not going anyplace soon!

Faygoluvers: Society 1 has been getting some heat during the tour having things thrown at them and basically being booed at a few shows, do you have any comments to this?

Daddy Long Legs: Well I tell ya this, they got heart. Sure some heads don’t like their metal flavor but night after night they keep coming back regardless. In Philly on their first night they got really dogged, things were thrown at them and all. See Philly don’t play, many a band has suffered in Philly. Now we had two nights in Philly and one would have thought after the first night they would have turned tail and ran like so many other bands who have opened, but hell no, they went out there and took it like a man which is something I have to give them props for, ya know that takes balls and heart! Its like what Henry Hill from “Goodfellas” says “sooner or later, everyone takes a beating” I mean I think EVERY band has went threw rejection from one time or another, fuck it. As long as you love what you do, fuck it.

Faygoluvers: Since you Yourself and a few members of the band are Juggalos does it make the tour alot better performing in front of your fellow Juggalos along with making some new Wolfpac fans?

Daddy Long Legs: FUCK yes! I have been down since Ringmaster, hell back when I was in The BloodHound Gang when we toured threw MI I got this tape, and it rocked. I collected a ton of tapes to listen to in my Walkman, see touring is boring as fuck in-between shows so I always grabbed some local flavor. In this record store in MI I asked what was some local flavor and this guy sold me an ICP tape. I fell in love with it and listened to it a lot. Then later back in Philly I tried to find out more and really couldn’t until one day watching TV one night I saw a Riddlebox commercial on MTV at like 4 AM! FUCK IT, I went that month and bought it and have been still down ever since. So for us to go on the road and play to and with fellow Juggalos every night is fresh as fuck! Its like we are the only people who can all relate to each other, that is something that’s just fresh!

Faygoluvers: What is your favorite song to perform live for everyone?

Daddy Long Legs: I myself like “Death Becomes Her” which is a fun song about fucking a dead chick and the pros and cons of it. It’s one of our more low-end bass tracks and gets ya head moving. The fun usually is that people sing with us, I mean the chorus is mad easy, one of us goes “One mans trash is another mans love” and then the sing along with all the members, all the people in the audience and even Pickles from the Twiztid family is “Death becomes her, DEATH BECOMES HER!” Way fun to do live!

Faygoluvers: Do you have any Pre-Show Rituals are anything of that nature before you go on?

Daddy Long Legs: I pray, stretch, hit my asthma inhaler and then just go out and have some fun. I thank God that he gives me these opportunities every night and for that I am thankful. I think we as a band are blessed with a large number of opportunities that many don’t get and I just love it ya know! I love playing live, its one of the best aspects to this.

Faygoluvers: What’s your favorite moment been so far on stage?

Daddy Long Legs: Man SO many, chicks getting topless is great, I usually jump in the pit at the shows myself too, I hate high stages, Id rather be in the mix, or at least on the floor on the barricade with everyone. I think these last few shows one of the funniest things was, this kid in Pittsburgh, PA was like 5 year old and up front getting smashed. So I pulled him up on stage, I let him rock it on stage with us for a song, then I asked the crowd if they were down to catch him if he dove off, they looked like they were upset cause they didn’t want to catch anyone, so I said “Fuck it, then my mini man gets to kick it the whole show up on stage with us” and we kept him all face painted up rocking the entire set with us! He was the new member of WOLFPAC for a night.

Faygoluvers: What has been your favorite Venue to play at and why?

Daddy Long Legs: Fuck there are SO many, truly good venues with good people and so many bad ones too. I think The Palladium is fresh in MA, TLA in Philly and so many others. You can always judge an areas attitude based on their clubs security and personal. If they are nice, the city is usually a cool place to chill; if there are dicks then that usually reflects on the area too. I don’t think any one venue sticks out, so far like 90% of them have been fresh and down as fuck.

Faygoluvers: Your earning alot of peoples respect and turning alot of heads lately with your Jive ass live show how do you come up with ideas for your set?

Daddy Long Legs: As for our set, there is no predetermined thing, we just go out and have fun. All I try to do is entertain, I mean SO many bands just get up and play there shit and barely move, the WOLFAPC way is movement, aggression, energy and a show. I try to do thing that I would find fun, or funny or entertain. I figure if I get is someone else will be able to relate too. Seems we just pour ourselves into the show and have a blast and we come out having a good time, then the audience does too, everyone wins.

Faygoluvers: What would you like to come from this tour at the end of it, possibly future tours with Twiztid or The Psychopathic Records crew, alot of new Wolfpac fans things of that nature?

Daddy Long Legs: We truthfully I would love other tours with Twiztid and the Psychopathic artist because they are some of the only guys out there really doing it themselves. There whole outlook and all is something we very much share and respect. Also they ALL know how to put on a show and that’s a great thing! As for anything else from this tour, we have made good friends with the bands and audiences and we would love to have those friendships continue! Our one goal is just to spread the word of WOLFPAC and to be able to make music that represents the real way the true underground is feeling, not that top 40’s MTV fed “underground” but the real thing, as long as that keeps happing for us and the word keeps spreading, then all the touring has been worth it.

Faygoluvers: Well I know your quite busy and need your rest from the tour so I’m going to let you go now I would really like to thank you so much for doing this with Us and The Best of Luck to you on the tour! Anything you would like to say to the many Wolfpac Fans new and old alike?

Daddy Long Legs: Just thank you to you and to all of them, its hard to say “fans” its more like family because if you get the words we are spitting, like really get it you more like our friends or family then just a “fan” Any case I would like to thank you all for being down and helping to spread the word of WOLFPAC, its because of you we are where we are, we know this and never forget it! Much WOLFPAC love and respect!

Interviewer: Faygoluvers.net



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