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Twiztid Interview (10/13/14)

Welcome to the Faygoluvers exclusive interview with Monoxide and Madrox of Twiztid!  It’s our first time to sit down with the guys in YEARS, and we cover a ton of different topics ranging about their new label Majik Ninja Entertainment, their production company Better Than Books. We also cover the ROC’s status, talk about Blaze, House of Krazees, their continued success in the music industry, upcoming projects, working under pressure on past releases, and much more!  We even end with a “Phat Or Whack” session!  Check it out and comment below!

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Interview Text:

Scottie D: Alright, what up y’all? This is Scottie D from Faygoluvers, and we’ve got who else? None other than Twiztid. Monoxide and Madrox!

Monoxide: Yeah

Madrox: How y’all doin’?

Scottie D: It’s been a long time coming. First interview they’ve had with me since ’05 so…

Madrox: God damn

Scottie D: Long time coming. But first of all, I’ve gotta say sorry about the Majik Ninja label leak.

Monoxide: Nah, that’s your job.

Madrox: You’re doing your job. The fact that you’re doing your job, that lets us know that you’re still awesome.

Monoxide: Right. But at the same time, we kinda know what’s gonna happen.

Scottie D: I figured that

Monoxide: Yeah. It’s a clever way to let the people know. It’s fun again, you know what I mean? It’s not all dictated by us anymore, and it just doesn’t seem like we’re just forcing this shit down your throat every day. It’s coming from everywhere. Everybody has got a new interest again and we’re just like ahhh *makes bowing motion* thank you.

Madrox: Hell yeah

Scottie D: That’s what’s up. Alright so, speaking of Majik Ninja Entertainment, what can we expect the current roster to be? I mean, we know about Blaze, we’re hoping for ROC…

Monoxide: ROC is a part of the entire thing, you know what I mean? As not just an artist, but he can do whatever he wants. If he wants to do a record, do a record. Wanna go on a tour? Whatever he wants.

Madrox: That’s what’s awesome. It’s like we actually have that availability now to be like, you know, “We’re all a part of this, man.” It’s like, whatever the fuck. Whatever’s whatever. So that’s great.

Monoxide: I’d love to be able to tell you the four, but I can’t yet.

Scottie D: Four??

Monoxide: Yeah

Madrox: He’s like “The four??”

Monoxide: It’s actually…it’s in the process of now we’re getting all of our legal stuff together, and making sure they’re all in agreeance, but yeah it’s gonna be…awesome.

Madrox: Yeah. Oh yeah.

Scottie D: That’s what’s up

Monoxide: I promise. We promise it’s gonna be great.

Scottie D: So can we expect a Triple Threat album at some point?

Monoxide: We talked about that. Right now we’re just trying to reestablish Blaze, you know what I mean? As opposed to like just drudging him in with us, we wanna reestablish him as a person, as a character, as an emcee, as a comedian. I mean like, dude’s funny! Like there’s so much to Blaze that people have no clue about, you know what I mean? We’re gonna bring that out. We’ll guarantee you that. Yeah, we took a record that was like…not really released? And we’re gonna chart that motherfucker, you know what I mean?

Madrox: Fuck yeah

Monoxide: We’re getting videos, we’re getting promos. Like, we’re showing him the love that we feel…that’s what he needs to be a successful person in the world that we’re trying to build.

Scottie D: He was super hype about it when I did an interview with him a couple of weeks ago

Monoxide: He better be!

Madrox: Right, goddammit! Fuckin’ Blaze! Hell yeah, we love you, motherfucker!

Scottie D: What are you most looking forward to about his release, with him being reestablished?

Monoxide: Just that.

Madrox: Yeah, for him to get his just dues.

Monoxide: To finally see Blaze for what he is.

Scottie D: Billboards in Detroit?

Monoxide: Absolutely

Madrox: Yeah. You know what I mean? It’s time. It’s time. He’s been in the trenches for a while, and it’s time for him to shine, you know what I mean? Absolutely.

Scottie D: So, with the MNE label, will you only be focusing on music, or will there be movies, and stuff like that?

Monoxide: “Better Than Books,” that’s our movies, for sure.

Scottie D: Oh, “Better than Books.” Ok.

Madrox: As far as movie production, yeah.

Monoxide: Who’s got a better name than that?

Madrox: That’s awesome right? How many people like to read, right? *points at self* I’m one of those people. Not a good reader.

Monoxide: But yeah, it’s the fine line. It’s confusing. People thought we were replacing the Twiztid logo with the skull lungs with the Majik Ninja thing. That has nothing to do with Twiztid. That’s a Jamie, Paul and George thing that we’re going to do for everybody else. But it has nothing to do with Twiztid. Twiztid isn’t even technically on Majik Ninja.

Madrox: Although we represent it!

Monoxide: Right. It is something that we’re doing, 100 percent. But will it dictate what Twiztid does or where Twiztid goes?

Madrox: Not necessarily, no. No.

Monoxide: No. We are looking for talent. That’s it. That’s it. The only thing that will bind everybody on our label, is you will be able to say “That is extremely talented.”

Madrox: And sounds good…”that’s an awesome record.”

Monoxide: Put the integrity back into music as much as we can as opposed to just slapping paint on something. “There you go.” Right? Talent rules everything. That’s it, and that’s all we’re looking for. I don’t care if you’re a girl emcee, if you’re a black rock and roll dude. I don’t give a shit. We don’t care. If you’re talented, we’re interested.

Madrox: Absolutely

Scottie D: Alright, so we got little sprinklings of HOK flavor here and there.  So can we expect something a little bit, uh, I dunno, another release?

Madrox: That’s kinda like that Twiztid iCloud as we like to call it. There’s all those ideas that float around in there and once, once every blue moon we’re allowed to stick our hand up in the cloud and grab an idea down, and it’s definitely like, it’s in the lower level of the cloud.

Monoxide: The cloud has the HOK box set, with a new HOK record.

Madrox: Right right right right

Monoxide: It’s in the cloud

Madrox: It’s somewhere up there, you know what I mean, so it’s not…it’s not that it won’t happen, it’s just the matter of when. When and if, and what blue moon, and how far up your elbow goes up into the cloud. Goddammit.

Monoxide: Right

Scottie D: In an industry that is as tough as the music business, how do you guys stay afloat when it’s like a rarity when people buy music?  Is it constant touring and merch?

Madrox: We’re like, collectors and stuff, you know what I mean? So we understand the need to make things cool. Why would you necessarily, like you said, an age where everything is digital and downloadable, what makes a person go out and get something? It’s because of the collectability, or maybe there’s a special thing that we do, trading cards, we do all kinds of cool things to make it fun.

Monoxide: The fun factor.

Madrox: We try to make things that are fun. We like shit that’s fun. We collect Funkos, we go mall to mall looking for the rare ones, it’s a hunt, it’s fun. You feel vindicated that you find something, like, this is the fuckin’ shit.

Monoxide: There will always be the big national release, that everybody can get. But there will also be 100 of this. Just odds and ends to put the fun back in it. I think that’s it. We created a secondary market where you can buy houses off of this shit. That’s what we’re trying to do. Everybody wins.

Madrox: It’s a matter of just trying to make it fun again, you know what I mean?

Monoxide: It goes back to the integrity, that’s what it is. Put the integrity back into everything.

Scottie D: Okay so, a lot of people wanted to know, can we expect – and I know you have “Better Than Books” – but can we expect a Twiztid book in the future?

Monoxide: We’re doing a coffee table book right now, which will be – and I know it’s not the book you’re talking about – but at this point in our career, as bad as it sounds, there’s shit we probably couldn’t talk about anymore.  That’s what sucks. It’s all locked up.

Madrox: But it would be a cool idea. A lot of fantastic art photos. Lyrics from songs you may never have heard before. A lot of cool little things that will make it worth getting. Not just a bunch of shit that you’ve seen, t-shirt designs or something. But actual photos that were taken specifically for this book.

Scottie D: Is Shaltz involved?

Monoxide: Yes yes, he just went home yesterday, he’ll back with us. Shouts to J Shaltz!

Madrox: Yeah! Hell Yeah!

Monoxide: We love you Jason.

Scottie D: Out of your entire discography, is there an album that you feel like, you rushed to make a deadline, or are least proud of?

Monoxide: Mostasteless. Two weeks. Freek Show, four weeks. The Green Book, three weeks. You can hear it. Listen to Abominationz. We spent over a year on that record. We didn’t have a deadline.  We’re just like “Let’s do the record”, and whenever it comes out, it comes out. To me, it’s the best piece of work we’ve ever done. Musically, talent wise, lyric wise, song writing. You can see the progression. I wouldn’t say it’s a bad thing, that’s just how we work, man. We work very fast.

Madrox: We work well under pressure. That’s what’s cool about us.  I’ve always been that way.  So when we get that way, sometimes it’s like “Holy shit!  What are we gonna do?” And we start making things more and more.

Monoxide: The more time you have, the more time you’ll spend. It just keeps going and going.  So it’s good to have a cutoff date.

Scottie D: Believe it or not, I can’t tell you how many people asked about, will we ever hear the rest of the “How Does It Feel?” verse?

Monoxide: *Laughs* We talk about it all the time, I’ll take the rap. It’s usually me that’s like, “Come on…” and he’s like “Come on we can just finish it!”

Madrox: I tried to put it on W.I.C.K.E.D. and I also tried to put it on Abominationz. So maybe, just maybe, with your help, “The Moment You’ve All Been Waiting For”, just might happen, muthafackos! Fingers crossed goddammit!  It’s awesome! It’s totally cool!

Scottie D: Will there be anything in the future similar to or actually the Purple Show?

Madrox: Similar, maybe. The Purple Show, probably not. It’s one of those things where, it ran its course, so instead of going back and putting jumper cables on it to revive it, why not just start with new fresh ideas and a cool concept?

Monoxide: New and improved.

Madrox: Exactly. Take a fresh take on everything. So yeah, probably, totally, definitely, something. But as far as that, maybe not. It might have some attributes of it, some things that were cool that we used to do, shit like that. That was the cool thing about it, the accessibility between us and the listeners, or the viewers, or however you wanna say it. People are like, “I wanna see this” or “Answer this question” or “What would it be like if you guys did this?” That’s always awesome.

Monoxide: We’re definitely bringing “Ashtrays and Action Figures” back, that’s coming back. We’re actually in the process of getting ready to launch all that stuff. That’s a blast.

Scottie D: When you get back from tour?

Monoxide: Yep, yep. It just doesn’t stop. We got a fuckin’ Christmas show!

Scottie D: Can’t wait to hear about that. So you guys have done a Doors cover, a Steve Miller cover, an ICP cover, do you have any cover songs in the works, or for a future album, or maybe a Cryptic Collection type album?

Monoxide: No.  But we always talk about it. Like, “Ahh you know what song would be great to redo?”

Madrox: There’s a list of songs we want to cover.

Monoxide: When it comes down to it, you’ve got 15 of your own and you’re like, “Ahh god that thing would never fit the concept of the record.”

Madrox: They don’t and that’s the thing, it usually falls to the wayside and we have a bunch of them that we want to do but it’s just like, you know.

Scottie D: I asked Blaze the same question, especially whenever you think of a Rydas record or a Lotus record. What is the writing process? Do you hear the beat and then come up with the subject?

Monoxide: Yes. We’ll hear a beat and be like, “Ohh okay.” Somebody will come up with a topic, write it, then my goal is to be the best one of the five. Same with him.

Madrox: For Rydas and Lotus, yeah.  For our own personal shit, it’s different sometimes.

Monoxide: We’re different. He can write to no beat. He’ll just write.

Madrox: Then try to find the beat and it’s the hard part about it.

Monoxide: Gotta cut out all that shit, give me the beat.

Madrox: Explain the idea, explain the concept, it’s like you’re trying to beat on the table or click a pencil and they’re just like, “Ehhhh nah.” And you’re like, “Motherfucker! It’s right here, listen to this!” Then it’s like, “Wait wait grab that keyboard.” It’s more of a pain in the ass, but it’s cool.

Monoxide: Trying to get 5 heads to agree as opposed to getting 1.

Madrox: Hundred percent, yeah. When it’s a group or project.

Scottie D: So, how was your Gathering experience this year?  I know you were only there for one day….

Madrox: It was dope. It was a little different because of the different grounds. It was a little more refined. It was a little more straight-edge. Like, “Put your tops on and don’t have your kids in diapers walking on sharp rocks! Get it together y’all!” I don’t know, it was different. Did they have Drug Bridge?

Monoxide: No.

Madrox: No. Okay see, we were only there 1 day, we didn’t get to, yeah.

Scottie D: Yeah nothing like that. There was plenty of availability if you were lookin’ but no central spot.

Monoxide: No booths set up.

Madrox: No like, “We got heroin over here, come get your heroin!”

Monoxide: Which I think is good for the Gathering.

Madrox: It is good. It really is.

Monoxide: To continue to keep doing what you’re trying to do, you’ve gotta clean it up.

Madrox: You have to, in order to make it something that will keep going.

Scottie D: So during the Lotus performance, obviously you had a lot of technical difficulties and shit go wrong. But you guys decided to press on and continue?

Monoxide: I tried for 2 minutes to get them to stop, stop it and fix it, we’re the masters of that. We don’t give a fuck.  If it ain’t right, fuckin’ stop. This ain’t some free shit in the fuckin’ parking lot. The powers that be were like “just roll with it.”  We did what we do.  We roll with it.  We’re sorry…

Madrox: Whether you could hear me or not, I was rapping, I promise you.

Scottie D: When we were in the photo pit for the first three songs, everything was straight. We were walking to the camper to drop our shit off and shit was a little wonky.

Monoxide: It’s one of those things. When you’re outdoors, you’re at the mercy of mother nature kind of. Anything could happen. So it wasn’t something maliciously done.

Madrox: You try to compensate, you try to scream and you can’t hear yourself, so you try to raise your voice and blow your voice out, and keep forgetting that this is the first of 15 shows that you have to do. It’s one of those crazy things, I’m just glad it actually went down.

Monoxide: You wait all night to do one thing, and when we go to do that one thing, it’s fucked up. It’s all of us. Not just us, but everybody. It’s like, “That fuckin’ blew.” But again we apologize.

Scottie D: It’s nobody’s fault, man.  OK, tell me about The Darkness.

Madrox: It’s the first time in a minute where we’ve actually had a themed record, storytelling, the vibe is just creepy and moody and dark. When you put it on, you feel it. I don’t know what you’re gonna feel. I know how I feel when I hear it. It’s very like, you start looking over your shoulder, getting a little antsy, like “What the fuck is going on?” So I’m hoping everybody gets a little different feel but it’s definitely moody.

Monoxide: A lot of people tend to compare darkness to something with no light. Darkness is a feeling.  It’s an emotion, it’s a place. It’s more than just what most people would recognize as it. We tapped into every form of darkness a person could encounter, is on that record.

Scottie D: Any different production on that album?

Monoxide: Yeah one thing that surprised everybody is Jake One. If you’ve never heard of him, look him up. You will be fuckin’ blown away, he’s one of the best. Just somebody I’ve been into for a minute. Finally he was like, “Let’s do somethin’.”  Just on Twitter!  That was gangster. Shoutout to Jake One. Se7en’s on there, Dead Beatz is on there. That’s our core right there.

Scottie D: So there’s been a lot of talk, especially of a “Chainsmoker” follow up, what about solo records? Have you written anything that you would consider solo material that might not fit on a Twiztid record?

Monoxide: I’ve got like 4 songs that I’ve just been writing and writing. If it happens, it happens. If not, it is what it is. We’ve got this great idea that will touch upon all this stuff. It’s very bizarre but it’s fucking awesome!  It’s awesome!

Scottie D: I missed a question, but wanted to ask you about Rob Zombie.  After playing at the American Nightmare, how close do you feel that there’s a collaboration with Rob Zombie?

Monoxide: I don’t know. We’ve talked to them and stayed in contact with them. Just like, man, whatever you wanna do, we’re down. We’ll take “31” on tour, and take that motherfucker across the country. We’ll do an autograph panel or a seminar tent, whatever.

Madrox: It’s like, all of his people are always cool as fuck too. The fact that we’re fans. So it’s kind of a different perspective too, when you’re just able to be like…”Oh Shit!” They’re inviting us to do a show and they’re interested in what we think about. So it’s just like, “Fuck yeah!” Like kids in a candy store. “Anything you guys need, we got it.”

Monoxide: Everybody on his team is very very cool. They were all surprised with us. We have a stigma.  People think we’re like other people, and we come in and do what we do and they’re just like, “What was all the hubbub about?”

Madrox: “These fuckin’ guys are mad professional!  These guys?”

Monoxide: “I think they’re getting a bad rap”

Madrox: Right Right Right.

Monoxide: They See that. We’re trying to do somethin’, fingers crossed.

Scottie D: I’m sure Rob Zombie is watching this right now…

Madrox: Don’t underestimate Rob, he’s into the underground.

Monoxide: He knows the streets.

Madrox: That’s Right!

Scottie D: Okay so you guys have been working together for over 2 decades, I don’t know exactly how long. Do you ever argue about anything?

Madrox: Sure! Hell yeah.

Monoxide: It’s more of a, he’s having a bad day, or I’m having a bad day. We’re like, “The fuck is wrong with you?”

Madrox: When you’re with someone that long, it’s the littlest things. It could be something that just, you know, more times than not you think, “What are you pissed at me for?”  “Who said I’m fuckin’ pissed at you, go fuck yourself!”

Monoxide: Just assumptions.

Madrox: You’re just like Wow.  Maybe I’m throwing it off like I’m pissed, or whatever. You know what I mean? It’s all types of different shit.  You know what I mean?

Monoxide: There’s shit at home that could ruin your day.

Madrox: Absolutely, anything and everything. Just the fact you wake up in the middle of the morning and you got a cramp in your leg and you get out of the bunk and you fall. Nobody seen you fall but you’re pissed and “Fuck you!”  Why is he all like fuck the world right now?” “Dude, fuck off!”

Monoxide: But now, we know each other…

Madrox: We just mellow out, you know what I mean? it is what it is. But yes, definitely! Come on man, we’re humans too.

Scottie D: How do you guys balance your home life with your career, always being on the road and constantly recording?

Monoxide: We keep it separate. When we go home, we’re home. We don’t talk about business or none of that. We go home and do what we do, we keep it separate and we take that very very seriously.

Madrox: It’s like one of the books is completely closed and the other one is open to the world. Absolutely.

Monoxide: Don’t worry though, my kids don’t give a shit. They think it’s the weirdest thing when somebody comes up and it’s like, “Why don’t you just take a picture and sign it?” I’m just dad to them, they fucking love that. I wouldn’t trade that for anything.

Scottie D: So do your kids ever come to shows or anything?

Monoxide: Nah! I’m tellin’ you, they’re just like, “Are we going to the mall?  Are we going to the movies?” Because they know, if I’m at a show, they’re not with dad, because I can’t be dad there. It’s two different things. We respect those boundaries. I don’t put them in the position of things they don’t wanna be in. Same here. They let me do what the fuck I’m gonna do.

Scottie D: Would you say that you’re the happiest in your career that you’ve ever been?

Madrox: Right now yeah, absolutely.

Monoxide: 100%. Without a doubt. It’s like a brand new day, like we just started again.

Madrox: We hear things and information and we actually get excited again. It’s that kid phase, where you’re a kid in a candy store kinda deal, where you actually get excited again.

Monoxide: But what sucks is that we can’t say anything without people going “Oh they’re talking about ICP!  Oh there’s a diss at Psychopathic Records!” Look, let me tell you guys this while everybody is listenin’. There’s no problems anywhere. There are booking agents that we left. There’s promoters that we don’t like. There’s other management that we had. That shit has nothing to do with that. So it’s not all about them. I promise you.  We love them dudes.

Madrox: We do, that’s our fuckin’ brothers!

Monoxide: You see that? *shows Hatchetman tattoos*  It’s all there, it’s still there. Lotus. Look at that, I’ve been talkin’ about covering that up for years, but I won’t. And I was gonna cover it up because it looks like shit.  Instead I got that one. Just roll with it. So, I’m ruining all the haters right now. Now you have nothing else to hate.

Madrox: I hate that. A lot of it is just a bunch of fuckin’ hash hunters. I’m not sayin’ you, you’re totally chill. But I’m saying other interviews, other publicists, that are just like.

Monoxide: “Did they ever touch you sexually?”

Madrox: “So, what don’t you like about them?” It’s like dude, they’re our bros, they put us on. We’ll forever be in their debt.

Monoxide: We literally removed two interview people because they came in here hating on them.

Madrox: Straight up, yeah. And that’s as far as I want you to go with that, but they were getting hella malicious and it was like, “Look we’re gonna stop, we see what you’re doin’ and it’s not cool.”

Monoxide: Joe! Joey! Don’t believe the hype! You hear somethin’ wrong, you fuckin’ call us.

Madrox: Lotus!

Monoxide: But that’s it. It got to the point where like, okay, just nobody ask us anything, we know what you’re trying to do. Like, “Fuck ICP! Fuck them!”

Scottie D: And you know somebody is gonna cut that out, right?

Monoxide: Right! “I knew it, ha ha!”

Madrox: “See look! Thru the power of editing!” It’s like nah, we built that proverbial brick wall. For a while we just shut everybody out because we don’t want to say shit.

Monoxide: They didn’t wanna talk to us about us.

Madrox: It wasn’t like, “Hey how do you feel today? What are your plans and goals since you left?”  It was just like “So, so, how much do you really hate them? We know! Just tell us.” It’s like, “Fuck you! We hate you! We don’t hate them, we love them, we hate you and your evil shit!” It is what it is. We’re sorry you had to see us this way, all crazy and shit, we apologize.

Monoxide: God Dammit!

Madrox: Motherfucker!

Scottie D: Let’s just talk quickly about touring. What do you guys do to keep yourselves entertained while on tour?

Monoxide: Shows. For the first time ever dude, we’re doing like 15 in a row, 14 in a row, shit like that, so we don’t have time for anything.

Madrox: No no no, but but but, in the sake for Scott’s question, when we weren’t doing like 38 shows in a week, what did you do then? Like possibly…

Monoxide: Get Funko’d out.

Madrox: Get Funko’d out, there’s movie nights.

Monoxide: Go out and buy Jordans…

Madrox: Fuckin’ Jordans!  It’s like you go into the store, and they come out with dollies and shit like “Damn man, we don’t have any room in the bay for this shit.” And then drawing, and he makes fun of me cause I have the horror movie collection that’s just like…

Monoxide: He says collection, I say garbage bag.

Madrox: Truck stop gold! Come on, I got fuckin’ bargain bins full of, you name it.

Monoxide: This is the absolute busiest we’ve ever been.

Madrox: So as of lately, we haven’t had much time to do anything. Shit and you don’t wipe your ass. Peanut butter but no jelly. Ham but no burger. We can’t finish a god damn sentence.

Monoxide: I wipe my ass. Every time.

Madrox: I wipe my ass but I don’t shit. I can never do both! But it is weird, for sure. We’ve just been working, man. It’s a good thing.

Monoxide: When you leave outta here, anything can happen. Our responsibility is everybody that shows up. So going to clubs, going to bars, going to strip clubs, we don’t do that. Go out get into a fight and get arrested, then you miss a show, because you were drunk and being a fuckin’ idiot.

Madrox: *whispers* He’s talking about me

Monoxide: We take it very seriously.

Madrox: Hell yeah.

Scottie D: I gotta ask a question for the European ninjas watching.  You’ve played Canada twice now, and they’re like “where’s our love?”

Monoxide: Alright listen. This is what I figured out. We go into Canada, we toured all through Canada up to Nova Scotia. From Nova Scotia to Heathrow, it’s 6 hours on a plane. That is on the table right now. So…fingers crossed. So that’s where that’s at.

Madrox: That’s dope though. It needs to happen! We see the love, we see you guys on Twitter.  We see you guys and hear you guys on Facebook.  We know you’re out there. We don’t know how many of you are out there. But the fact that there’s a small blip on the screen even if it’s a faint blip, we know you’re there. And we wanna show you love, because you represent for us. We love that. So god damnit, if I have to put a burlap sack over his head and feed him klonopins like tic tacs until he passes out, put him in a god damn overhead bin, and me and George gotta staple that thing with liquid nails shut, we are comin’ there! It’s gonna be fresh. He’s just like, “Motherfucker if you ever feed me klonopins…”  Yeah, it’s gonna be great!

Monoxide: I just don’t wanna die. Take a bunch of medicine and not wake up.

Madrox: No, you’re right.  I know.  He’s gangster like that. Even with like surgeries, “Don’t put me out! Just cut me open, Mick!” Like, “Dude you have to be put out! They’re gonna be operating inside you!” “I don’t care!  Fuckin’ NOOO!” I’m like the first one to be “Knock me the fuck out.” “You’re just getting a filling.” “Knock me the fuck out! I’m gonna-…booooooop.” It’s like scraping plaque off my teeth, I don’t give a fuck.

Monoxide: Ever since they told me when they put you to sleep, you can pop a boner, there’s nothing you can do about it.

Madrox: You always hear that shit!  Every time I go, even if I go to get my teeth cleaned, he’s like, “You popped a boner didn’t you?” I’m like, “I hope, I can only hope.” As soon as you put me to sleep I start gravitating my hips upwards just in case, in the off chance.

Monoxide: And then you’re just like, “Eerrrrmmm…”

Madrox: That too, I could only imagine the dental footage that happens.

Monoxide: My feelings mean a lot to me.

Madrox: I’m in a fuckin’ video Graceland when it comes to a dentist offices. God damn, sorry, that’s fuckin’ great though.

Scottie D: You briefly touched on the Christmas Show. What could we expect out of the Christmas show this year?

Monoxide: Pandemonium. First come first serve.

Madrox: Fuck yeah. Get there, get there soon.

Monoxide: No tickets.

Madrox: Just walk in the fuckin’ door, come on.

Monoxide: No ticket, no price. And when they say we can’t put no more in, we’ll have to stop.

Madrox: Yeah then it’s not our bad, so get your ass there, once they fuckin’ fit that cap and cut that line.

Monoxide: There’s gonna be Christmas trees and bloody santas and little elf whores.

Madrox: Hey hey hey, elf whores?

Monoxide: Both male and female.

Madrox: Little candy cane shanks, for stabbing and whatnot. It’s gonna be fun, gonna be a good time.

Monoxide: Gonna be awesome. Wish we could take it around the country and do it but…

Madrox: Some things just have to be, where we’re at.

Monoxide: It’s gonna be special.

Madrox: Fuck yeah, get there.

Scottie D: Before we wrap things up, I’m coming towards the end, I wanna do a little bit of Phat or Whack. It’s been a long time since we’ve done that. 13 years ago, you did your first major interview with Faygoluvers.

Madrox: Fuck yes.

Scottie D: You did Phat or Whack with us.  So, Phat or Whack: Batfleck.

Monoxide: What was it?

Madrox: Batfleck, Ben Afleck as Batman.

Monoxide: I kind of like Ben Affleck. He’s kind of a player, you know what I mean? I think he’ll play a great Bruce Wayne but I don’t know how he’ll do as Batman.

Madrox: He’s on the money. But one thing that makes me not want to answer it.

Monoxide: Don’t make him funny!

Madrox: I’m gravitating towards Whack. I’m gonna give you the reason why. I just read this interview the other day.

Monoxide: Can we say Phwack?

Madrox: Yeah can we say Phwack? Or WAT?  It’s Definitely WAT. It was this fuckin’ spiel about everybody’s thoughts on Heath Ledger before he played Joker.

Monoxide: Booo boooooo!

Madrox: Oh my god, they were so fuckin’ harsh on dude! It’s like, if you read it, he’s by far the best Joker. He fuckin’ took Jack Nicholson’s head and boom, scoop slammed it! God bless him in heaven. But dude, he’s not Batman, he’s not even Bruce Wayne, so I’m like, “No.” But I said the same thing about Christian Bale. I can’t see him as any other thing.

Monoxide: *Christian Bale voice* Don’t you talk about Christian Bale.

Madrox: Put on your Batman voice. So yeah. PHWAT!  WAT! W-W- Yes!  Dammit, Sorry.

Monoxide: Good luck Ban Affleck.

Madrox:  Bam?

Monoxide: Ban Affleck.

Madrox: I don’t say Godzilla, I say Gonzilla. Always have. It was always Aid Team, not A-Team. Yeah for some reason if you got a cut or something they’d just be like, “Dum dum dum!” Put bandaids on you and peroxide you down. I don’t know why.

Monoxide: To clean the wound.

Madrox: Exactly!

Monoxide: To clean the wound.

Madrox: Antiseptics and whatnots… OK what else?

Scottie D: In N Out Burger.

Monoxide: I just had it for the first time and I give ‘em a Phat.

Madrox: I’ll say Phat!

Monoxide: It was the freshest milkshake I’ve ever drank. Just a plain strawberry milkshake, yep. But I’ll put you guys up on somethin’. Scoop slams, most fast foods. Semi fast foods. It’s called Culver’s. C-U-L-V-E-R-S.  Get it. It is delicious. It is a steak burger.

Madrox: It is very fat kid friendly. They have cheese curds.

Scottie D: Oh no!

Madrox: It even has “curds” in the word, so, you know… PHAT!

Monoxide: Excellent.

Scottie D: American Horror Story.

Madrox: PHAT!

Monoxide: Phat, love it.

Scottie D: Seen the new season yet?

Monoxide: DVR’ing it. We’re not watching anything on tour.

Madrox: I haven’t seen Walking Dead, all the good shit.

Monoxide: Sons of Anarchy! Bobby Elvis came to the show. Love you Mark!

Madrox: So so dope dude.  We were just like *makes wig blown back motion*

Scottie D: How did that come about?

Monoxide: Awesome story. We went to Subway, me and Dustin, and we’re driving down the street. I happen to look over and there’s like a grocery store. It was bootleg lookin’. And I was like, “That’s fuckin’ Bobby Elvis!” He’s like, “Who? What?” I’m like, “Turn around!” Let me tell you this. In the twenty years I’ve been in the business, I have never ever ever ever ever walked up to somebody and been like, hey man, I’m a big fan, could I have an autograph? Could I have any of that?” But to him, I was. I walked up and was like, “Hey man I’m from Detroit, I’m not here a lot man, I think you’re awesome, could I get an autograph?” And this motherfucker, he had 3 other dudes with him.

Madrox: 3 biker dudes. Everybody’s just all coated up.

Monoxide: And Mark’s like “…..” And I’m like, “Oh shit he’s gonna trip.” And he’s just like, “Man I feel like I’m shortchanging the people that waited in line for 6 hours.” And I’m like, “Hey I fuckin’ get it. One hundred percent I get it.” He’s like, “No you don’t.” And I’m like, “I do get it brother. Believe me, I get it.” And his dude was like, “Why? What do you guys do?” I’m like, “I’m in a band.” I wasn’t droppin’ Twiztid at all. “Just in a band, we do shows, VIPs and blah blah blah. It is what it is, I hear what you’re sayin’.” One of the guys was like, “What band are you in?” I’m like, “A band called Twiztid.” And his friends were like, “….really? You’re in Twiztid…?” I’m like, “Hell yeah.” Fuckin’, the whole conversation changed. Now he’s like, “Okay maybe you do get it.” So we talked for like 15 minutes and I called him a motherfucker and he called me that, and it was like hanging out with some bikers! We invited him to the show and he fuckin’ came, they had a blast, man.  Had a god damn blast!

Madrox: I was sleepin’ and he rips my curtain open and is like, “Look at who I just met!” And he shows the picture on his phone.

Monoxide: And he’s like, “That’s the guy from 30 Days of Night Batman!”

Madrox: “He’s the guy from Batman Begins!  The guy from 30 Days of Night!” He’s like, “No it’s Bobby Elvis from Sons of Anarchy.” I was like “Okay…but he’s still in 30 Days of Night!” He’s cool as shit, he gave me shit too as soon as I walked up and he’s like, “Who the fuck are you?” I’m like, “I-I-I’m with him.” I didn’t know. I didn’t want him to pull out a switchblade and cut my neck out or something.

Monoxide: But that was great.

Madrox: Yeah! Fuck yeah!

Monoxide: He’s a really, really good dude.

Madrox: Hella cool.

Scottie D: Alright. Turkey bacon.

Monoxide: I don’t like…it. If they take all the bacon away, then maybe. But as long as there’s regular bacon, turkey bacon is my enemy.

Scottie D: Come on, you’ve been healthy for like 3 or 4 years.

Madrox: Yeah, I was gonna say…Phat! Because if you can’t have bacon, it is the next. Aside from eating scabs, it’s the closest thing you’re gonna get to it. So sweet Christ, eat that over scabs any day!

Monoxide: I get it. There’s a lot of iron in scabs.  I’m just sayin’

Madrox: *laughs* Nutrients! Unfound-out nutrients.

Scottie D: Just overall perception, horror movie remakes?

Madrox: I think that’s Phat.  I do.  It’s because of something he said to me awhile back. It’s just like, fucking Confucius. He doesn’t understand that he’ll just say shit to me, and it just soaks in my brain.  He’s just like, “You know, It’s kind of fresh when they do that shit.” And I was like…I don’t even know what it was.  There was a movie out and I was hella pissed about it. I can’t even remember what it was. Was it Friday the 13th?  What was it?

Monoxide: I think it was The Evil Dead.

Madrox: Yeah, the new Evil Dead. I’m like, “Fuck that, Bruce Campbell is the shit. Fuck this movie.” And he’s like, “Wait a minute, stop. They have to rebrand the franchise. Otherwise it’ll get lost in the sauce. Our movies that we grow up with are dated to that time, so people can’t relate to them.” It’s cool when they flip shit like Bates Motel. Like how you see Norman, he’s got ear buds. But like the shit on television is in black and white, so it’s like, what time zone frame is this? ‘80s? ‘90s? What the fuck is going on? But when you watch those movies now, they really are dated. We’ve got cats in the crew that are younger they’re like, “Fuck that movie! That doesn’t make any sense to me!” It’s like, “What are you talking about? It’s the greatest movie!”

Monoxide: Like Freddy.  These are iconic, iconic serial killers. If this is the only way we can get them to keep living.

Madrox: To never die, then yeah, absolutely.  It has to be Phat. Has to be Phat.

Monoxide: To live forever. There is never gonna be another Michael Myers. Jason. Freddy. Never.

*Ninja yells from outside the bus*

Madrox: SHUT UP!

Monoxide: SHUT….UP! *laughs*

Scottie D: On that note, we’re gonna wrap things up. I really appreciate you guys doing this. What do you guys gotta say to the fans?

Monoxide: Don’t forget. When you pull out your eyebrows and your eyelashes, you have to eat them, and they will grow back.

Madrox: And although we said to eat scabs, we probably don’t recommend that you do that. Try the turkey bacon, it’s probably not as bad.

Monoxide: I used to eat struck matches.

Madrox: And he has these horrible farts. You don’t wanna. Yeah. Thank you guys for fuckin’ representing us and all you do.

Monoxide: Get your Faygo and Luv it!

Madrox: Make sure you stay on lock with Faygoluvers, the number one underground source for news and freshness. And uh. Yeah, don’t eat scabs. That’s all I have.  I just don’t want them eating scabs.  It’s just not good…

Scottie D: This is Scottie D from Faygoluvers, with Twiztid, and we’re out!



Thanks and much love to the following:

  • Twiztid (for taking the time to do this)
  • George Vlahakis
  • Majik Ninja Entertainment
  • Xanarki and VeryTwiztidRaven (for transcribing the entire interview)
  • Amanda D. (for being the steady hand behind the video camera)
  • Christopher McDaniel aka McNastee (for the Twiztid interview graphics)
  • Everyone who takes the time to check this interview out and continues to support Faygoluvers!

Interviewer: Scottie D

Interview Date:10/13/14



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    Faygoluvers Comments



    Comment posted on Monday, October 20th, 2014 06:01 am GMT -5 at 6:01 am

    Great interview !!! Come to Europe now !!! Cheers from France !

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