April 30, 2024
36 Guests and Online

Wiked Wood

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Here we are again and this time we are back with the quickness. I know we usually have a longer break between these things, but we couldn’t wait any longer to get our new interview with North Carolina’s own Wiked Wood. If you haven’t heard of this duo before, where have you been? Creep and Cray-Z have been at it for a while now and are making some big waves. In this interview we got a chance to explore their musical backgrounds, their new album “Dubs Up,” their entry into Psychopathic Radio’s demo jams contest and their video for the track “Fly.”

Of course there’s plenty more, but I’ll just let you get to it before I ruin the entire thing…


Johnny O: First, I’d like you to the Underground Spotlight here on Faygoluvers. Can you start us out with a brief introduction for those who may not be familiar with Wiked Wood?

Creep: Wiked Wood is a hip-hop group that consists of Cray-Z and myself. We have been making music together for over a decade. For those who don’t know, I wear the bandana and Cray-Z rocks the face paint.

Cray-Z: Pretty sure that covers a quick intro, and if you haven’t heard of us before then you about to find out. Let’s go!

JO: While many different elements blend together to give you a unique style, how would you describe your sound to someone for the first time?

Creep: If I described our sound to someone who had never heard us before, I would tell them it’s distinctive lyricism mixed with impeccable beats. I’ve had fans tell me that after you hear it, you may feel like you need to go to church.

Cray-Z: We call it “True Underground Hip Hop” mixing together melodies, flow, and clarity. We grew up in the underground scene and strive to create an original sound unlike the typical emcees everyone loves to hate.

JO: So, what brought you both together to form the duo of Wiked Wood?

Cray-Z: Creep & I met in High School in NC. We soon started recording and playing shows together. It was instant chemistry, and we created a foundation for Wiked Wood so strong that it has lasted us for years.

Creep: We met in some technology class that we both ended up failing out of. Even though I was a metal head and he was a hip-hop fan, it was the wicked shit that really brought us together. Cray-Z already had an established name when bringing me in, and this brought to life Wiked Wood.

JO: Though you both met rather early in life, did either of you have previous experience with music before joining together?

Cray-Z: I grew up going to the recording studio with my dad’s band and seeing the entire stage process at a young age because of my mom being heavily involved in the preforming arts. I developed a passion for hip-hop music and started preforming at 12 years old. I was signed to my first distribution deal when I was 16 years old and played countless shows before even being able to drive a vehicle.

Creep: At age 13, my dad got me guitar lessons. We found a musician in the area that taught my dad and I how to play. I instantly fell in love with the craft. I’ve played acoustic, electric, acoustic-electric, and even some bass. Once discovering my passion for rap and the creating process behind it, I focused more on that and the rest is history.

JO: I appreciate (as everyone should) that you cover the nasty side of the world, but are sure not to glorify it. You actually push a message of trying to avoid these horrible situations, do you feel this sets you apart from a lot of other artists?

Cray-Z: I think if I look back on some things I’ve said in my earlier music before I’m like, “WTF was I thinking when I said that?” I want to try to set a good example for the underground on simple life lessons of love, respect, and genuine kindness to fellow man. I believe in energy and the law of attraction. Becoming a father and wanting to teach my children right from wrong really made me reevaluate my voice as an emcee.

Creep: In reality, there is no avoiding horrible situations. The world is an ugly place and unfortunately we, as individuals, have to face it. I feel like in my lyrics I speak to the fans in a way that somewhat prepares them for the unthinkable. You see some artists glorifying money, drugs, woman, and unrealistic dreams, but we just want to speak to you and be real. That is what separates us from a “fuck-boy”. There is sometimes though where you just need to understand the difference between entertainment and truth.

JO: Your work has gained recognition from some big names over the years. What was the one thing that really made you stand back and realize you were heading down the right path?

Creep: I think one of the more memorable moments that really made me feel like we were heading in the right directions was when Robert Rebeck mixed and mastered “Dubs Up”. His reaction to the final project, and love for our music was an honor.

Cray-Z: I agree with Creep; it was definitely an honor. The more we grow as artists, the more our fan base grows and the reactions to our music doesn’t go unnoticed. Seeing the love and support from them pushes our musical drive to the next level and we continue to only get better.


JO: Speaking of “Dubs Up,” how has the response been since it released last year?

Cray-Z: Amazing! We kept everything under lock and key for this release, not revealing the cover or any details on its features or anything. The quality of the final project is stronger than anything we have ever done. “Dubs Up” has been breaking down doors we could never even knock on.

Creep: The response has been great, and the fans seem to really connect with us with an entirely new understanding. We have certainty evolved since the release, and continue to evolve as more people discover it.

JO: You also released a video for the track “Try” back in October, how do you feel it came out? How was the process of getting the whole project to come together in the first place?

Creep: The process for “Try” was a lot of fun and also difficult with us living in two different states. We always really enjoy putting together music videos though. It’s when your creative mind really comes into play and you get to bring your lyrics to life. I’ve found that is one of our more “in your face” type songs, but thankfully our fans have had a positive outlook on the overall project.

Cray-Z: Like Creep was saying, living in two different states you are on a time crunch when it comes to projects like this. We filmed it in a four-hour time span, including setting up the green screen and lighting. It’s a tedious process, not to mention having to spend the time it takes to put on my face paint. On the editing side of things, working with Alex “Doe-Nut” Bleeker was fantastic and he executed exactly what we envisioned for the video.

JO: Would you say that “Try” gives fans a good idea of what to expect from the rest of the album?

Cray-Z: Yes and no. I think that there are some songs that may be similar to this on the album, however the rest of “Dubs Up” dives into a whole new realm of music.

Creep: Each song on our album has a different feel to it. We don’t like to be boring and predictable, so you should go into each song with an open mind. There was a lot of talk as to whether this song would be the correct one to use as a single. But we always found ourselves coming back to it by the end.

JO: So, can you give us any news on what you both are currently working on?

Creep: We are headed to Pittsburgh, PA and Atlantic City, NJ to do two back to back shows in June. We are also in the studio getting some new recordings under way to release to our fans.

Cray-Z: We also are shooting music videos in June and tons more flavor. We are currently one of eight semi finalists in Psychopathic Record’s “Demo Jams Contest” on Psychopathic Radio this year and hope to play the 17th Annual Gathering of The Juggalos.

JO: Where do you see Wiked Wood in five years or so?

Cray-Z: I would say strategically becoming a forerunner in the underground scene. I would say touring and creating enough income off of music for it to be our full-time jobs. Slowly just following the incline of what we are starting to see happen in the past couple years.

Creep: A lot can happen within a five-year span. But like Cray-Z said, I’d really like to see us on the road for sure, letting our music become our primary source of income, and enjoying the life of being an artist. You can expect endless amounts of content from us, from now, throughout those five years, and beyond.

JO: I know that you’ve performed and worked with some big names in this business, but if you had the chance to work with anyone who would you reach out to?

Creep: To me, as far as reaching out to a specific artist really depends on the track that we are working on and the style I would like to see brought into it. I could name people all day that I would love to do songs with but as our music grows, I’d like to see those artists recognize our grind and approach us based on our talent.

Cray-Z: Of course it has always been a dream to work with the artists that have inspired us and we have looked up to over the years. I agree with Creep on this one, though. It just depends on the track and it being the right fit for the message we want to convey. Sometimes you just know. You hear the beat and as your listening to it, you can almost hear that certain artist as it plays.


JO: If fans want to find more from Wiked Wood online, where can they find you guys?

Wiked Wood’s Official Website: www.WikedWood.com

Social Networks:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/wikedwoodmusic

BandCamp: www.wikedwood.bandcamp.com

Reverbnation: www.reverbnation.com/wikedwood

Soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/wikedwoodmusic

YouTube: www.youtube.com/wikedwood

Twitter: www.twitter.com/wikedwoodmusic

Instagram: www.instagram.com/wikedwoodmusic

JO: There is no doubt that thought the years you’ve probably had your share of rough times (we all have), but who would you say were your biggest inspirations to keep going?

Cray-Z: My biggest inspirations to keep pushing are my sons, wife, parents, and rest of my family and friends. I have been working on Wiked Wood for so long I don’t want to let the people that believe in what we do down, or us (myself and Creep) down for that matter. I’m addicted to this music shit and I’m not programmed like most emcees; failure is not an option.

Creep: I’d say my biggest fans and the ones that believed and inspired me to continue doing what I do, would be my family. Whether it’s my parents, my brothers, my fiancé, her family, or the love of fans, that’s what truly gives me inspiration. Most importantly, I’d say my grandmother. If you listen to “Dubs Up” you will notice I talk about her often.

JO: And who would you both say were your biggest influences musically?

Creep: It takes me back to when I was a kid, really. Blasting ICP, Tech, Rob Zombie, Slipknot, Twitzid, then eventually becoming more aware of O.G. Emcees such as Ice Cube, the Bad Boys Records enterprise, LL, and of course Em. I honestly just have a love for music, no matter the genre. If it’s good, ill bump it and usually it gets brought into my own style.

Cray-Z: I would be lying if I didn’t mention Psychopathic Records & Strange Music; they are my all time favorites. I also love the greats like N.W.A., Tupac, Snoop Dogg, D12, Wu- Tang Clan, Three 6 Mafia, etc. The list could go on for days, but I can get down with everything from The Wailers to Pink Floyd to James Brown as well.

JO: Although this always the worst part for me, I think that will just about do it on this edition of the Underground Spotlight. Can you send us off with a few shout outs before we go?

Cray-Z: Shout out to Scottie D and the rest of the Faygoluvers family for all the continued support you guys have showed us throughout the years. Shout out to Infinite Empire Entertainment (D-Crisis & Grave-Bait), Defiac, Vile The Black Mage, 7th Layer, Ill Rendition, Tarius, P. Long, Seis Fifth, Geno of Dark Half (R.I.P.), Doe-Nut, Rob Rebeck, and everybody that has helped us along this musical journey. Thank you to all the fans that support us by coming to shows, buying the albums, and that truly rep for Wiked Wood! We love you guys and we wouldn’t be here without you.

Creep: Big shout out to FaygoLuvers for sure; it has been an honor to work with, and continue working with you guys. Big word up to my Infinite Empire peeps, my Pittsburgh Fam, Young Cuzz, Geno of Dark-Half (may our homie rest easy), Skippy Ickum, Mikey Flow, and the whole underground scene. Most importantly, gotta show love to our fans. The support they show, and the way they believe in what we do is incredible. Thank you a tremendous amount. Throw them Dubs up! We love ya!


Well, that will be all we have for you this time around in the Underground Spotlight. I want to send a BIG Thank you to Creep, Cray-Z and the whole Wiked Wood crew out there in North Carolina. I wish you guys the best of luck in the demo jams contest and everything in the future, you both have big things coming your way.

If you liked what you saw, heard or read hear today, be sure to support Wiked Wood and hit up one of their many links to stay up to date or grab some merch. I’ll be sure to drop the links below for those of you that missed them in the interview.

Now before I officially sign off, as always if you would like to be featured right here on the Underground Spotlight, shoot me an e-mail at [email protected]. Make sure to include a short bio, why you would like to/should be featured, a track or two and a couple of pics. Of course, don’t forget to include UGS or something similar in the subject line. So, until next time…


Johnny O.


Websites/Social Media:

Wiked Wood’s Official Website









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