April 19, 2024
76 Guests and Online

Remember me by 13 - The Original

From 13:

I am a music artist and a former homeless U.S. Army Veteran. I came out with a new album and made a verified Ebay store. Karma, You can help me help those homeless Veterans. One hand washes the other and that’s how it goes. Can you can help support my tour funding by getting your copy of my physical album on Ebay? All the proceeds will be put away for me to go on tour and a 10% goes to Homeless Veteran charity @1Matters, so that I can help homeless Veterans, as I have no label backing me. Thank you, so much for your support. Remember this is for support of me and Homeless Veterans. In essence it’s like you’re donating money for my cause and getting the products as well and top of all that Homeless Veterans. Thank you. Just click link for your Physical copy.

Video Details

  • Views:
  • 743
  • Runtime:
  • 3 Minutes 12 Seconds
Submitter: N/A

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