April 25, 2024
89 Guests and Online

Kung Fu Vampire interviewed on Australia’s “The Underground” podcast!

Our homies from The Underground Podcast, which as you probably already know is hosted by Ned & Fitz out of Australia, just released their latest podcast featuring Kung Fu Vampire.  Here’s a little synopsis of the episode:

For years we’ve been big fans of Kung Fu Vampire and for years we have wanted him to feature on the show, but for one reason and another it just hasn’t happened… Until now! We recently caught up with Kung Fu for this well over due interview where we talk to him about being a Dad and a Vampire! Being labelled as the “Weird” guy on the block, his super awesome yet super creepy video “Slice of Life”, performing at the Playboy Mansion, his upcoming album “Look Alive” and a bunch more! Take some time out and listen to the interview and once you’re done peep the Slice of Life video, The Underground is more than alive with artists like Kung Fu staking their claim and here to stay!

You can listen to the interview below via Soundcloud.




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