April 24, 2024
45 Guests and Online

Kevin Gill responds to our call-out on the Faygo Ice Bucket Challenge!

Our long-time homie KG, aka Kevin Gill, who you may also know as half of the JCW commentary duo, has responded to our ALS Faygo Ice Bucket Challenge!  If you don’t remember, he was called out in my initial video, and decided that NOW was the time to get in on the action!  He’s in California, so he had to go search his city to find some tiny glass bottles of Faygo to throw in there and make it legit!  I may be biased, but I think he schooled it here!  Check out his response:


He decided to call out a few different people, most notably to Juggalos and Juggalettes: the Axe Murder Boyz!  So let’s hope that they get a response on with the quickness!

On another note, my wife Amanda graciously decided to take part in the Faygo Ice Bucket Challenge, and thought she was gonna get away with a tiny bucket. Watch what happens:


I’ve watched that video a dozen times or so and I STILL laugh at that reaction! Classic!

We’ve had a shitload of GREAT entries submitted to us, so if you’re on the fence about doing it, just DO IT!  If you want to check out ALL of the entries from a single page, click right here!  Much love to ALL who have donated and/or participated!




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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. Hypnotic


    Comment posted on Wednesday, August 27th, 2014 03:09 pm GMT -5 at 3:09 pm

    Great videos, Scottie…the one with Amanda’s reaction was hilarious!

  2. Scottie D


    Comment posted on Wednesday, August 27th, 2014 05:30 pm GMT -5 at 5:30 pm

    Thanks Hypnotic! I didn’t think that one had been seen enough so I wanted to give it some shine! lol.

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